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O Cristo Protetor é o maior do mundo Featured

LARGEST IN THE WORLD | Construction has been completed on Christ the Protector, a 43.5-meter-high monument located in the city of Encantado, in Rio Grande do Sul. The statue is the first stage of a tourist complex, with shops, restaurants and viewpoints, which is scheduled to open in the first half of 2023.

Christ the Protector is the largest in the world, at 37.5 meters high, plus six meters of the pedestal, totaling 43.5. After it, there is Christ the King, in Poland, at 36 meters, followed by Christ of La Concordia, in Bolivia, at 34. Christ the Redeemer, in Rio de Janeiro, comes in fourth place, at 30 meters high.

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Última modificação em Quinta, 05 Dezembro 2024 12:37